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A Firm Foundation
With God in control, your marriage can thrive.
Marriage 2001
Despite the challenges of each generation, people still love to get married. A look at where we've been points to where we're going
Re-Imagining Reality
Artist Makoto Fujimura launched the International Arts Movement to 're-humanize the world.'
Created Equal
How the movement for women's rights got started.
Unquestionable Tactics
In the trenches of day-to-day law.
Redeeming Law
In a cynical society suspicious of lawyers, Christian law schools are decidedly not.
Historian Ahead of His Time
Andrew Walls may be the most important person you don't know.
The Healing Pen
Philip Yancey writes to save his past—and others' futures.
This Samaritan Life
How to live in a culture that is vaguely suspicious of the church.
The Spirit in Competition
"This Way, Please"
Theme of the Week: Dependent but Confident
A New Kind of War
Child soldiers.
Go and Plant Churches of All Peoples
Crusades and personal witnessing are no longer the cutting edge of evangelism.
The Best Research Yet
Two psychologists show that homosexuals should not be discouraged from seeking change.
An Older, Wiser Ex-Gay Movement
The 30-year-old ministry now offers realistic hope for homosexuals.
BOOKS: The Post-closet Era
How should Christians respond to homosexuals' public presence?
Famine Again?
Why some places suffer food shortages decade after decade.
Costly Love, Radical Forgiveness
What made African bishop Festo Kivengere rejoice in the face of monstrous evil?
Grandpa John
A new generation of urban activists is shaped by John Perkins.
Andrew Walls: Historian Ahead of His Time
Why this Christian scholar may be the most important person you don't know.